
How Do Students With Growth Mindset See their Mistakes

Hussain Khalid Mirza

good mentor

I believe, no matter how much brilliant the student is, still a failure pushes backward like a hitch. Students start losing interest in their subject, making them unable to put their maximum efforts.

Here is the job of a good mentor to teach children about the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset. Exploring both, they will develop the habits of learning and push their limits to develop abilities.

When students choose to go with the growth mindset, they develop some habits that change their approach towards struggling.

  1. Search for the correct method

Acknowledging your mistakes is hard and working on them is even harder. The students with growth mindset do both. Students with growth mindset try to rectify themselves and explore the right methods of performing a task.

A student with growth mindset understands that it takes time and continuous efforts to develop abilities. They identify their mistakes, practice out of their comfort zone to develop expertise in a specific field.

  1. Make continuous efforts

Efforts matter but more the direction of efforts matter. Moving aimlessly without defining your aim is like moving in a desert without knowing directions. At the same time, children with growth mindset make regular revisions. Regular revisions and practices of specific lessons makes you confident about your potential.

An urge of learning steadily and finishing lessons sooner often lead us to neglect revisions. To learn something and overcoming mistakes require continuous practice and training. Staying the past is not a part of their next plan of action.

  1. Sharpen their focus

Children with growth mindset turn their mistakes into masterpieces using the power of focus. The power of their focus defines their energy, mindset and ability to derive results. Children with growth mindset make continuous efforts for continuous learning that demands revisions and achieve proficiency with practice. They know the art of saving themselves from the things and atmospheres that distracts them. These efforts aligns with growth mindset and shows their focus to make improvement and effort.

  1. Move ahead strategically

Perceving mistakes is a significant aspect of having a growth mindset. The children with growth mindset and analyze their mistakes. They watch their actions critically with an unbiased approach. It enables them to make a further strategy to overcome their mistakes.

Moreover, they focus on the process oriented questions and find out the possibilities to accomplish their tasks. A growth mindset pushes them to explore questions like why and what led them to wrong way. Repetition of mistakes happen but they learn a new thing with each mistake.

  1. Do Not Give Up

Giving up is not an option for the people with growth mindset. They make continuous efforts and do not stop pursuing their objective. They resist against the challenges they face everyday in their lives, while they make their efforts.

They understand that current struggles may not give them immediate results but quitting would set them further back. Children with growth mindset do not abandon their efforts due to mistakes, maintaining forward momentum to ensure continuous progress.

  1. Avoid cursing

After failures students often get attcked by hopelessness, self-blame, comparison with other students and stay uncontented to achieve perfectionism. Furthermore, they accept mistakes wholeheartedly and continue working with a new strategy to achieve better. Rather than cursing something, they see things realistically and create a new workable strategy.

  1. Reverting back to action

Getting back to work while working in the weaker point and get back with better technique to handle. Children with growth mindset see mistakes as leaning tools.

  1. They respond to criticism with performance

Taking criticism positively is not always an option. But, you need to achieve your goals to respond criticism. Showing your excellent performance is the best to respond criticism. It is not to make your critics quite but to have a satisfaction within you.

The children with growth mindset work in this way to overcome their mistakes. They learn, maintain their peace of mind and focus on delivering the best performance.


Children with growth mindset have a specific attitude towards life. They learn from their mistakes and do not stop making continuous efforts. They look for the correct method, sharpen their focus, do not lose hope and revert back with better energy. Students with growth mindset possess specific traits that leads them to accomplish their objectives.

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